
Showing posts from 2019


"I long to see you so that I can impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong. That is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith." Romans 1:11-12.  EXPOSITION As Paul was preparing to meet the church in Rome, one of his priorities was to impart to them some spiritual gift to make the church strong. Strength breeds courage and confidence. Our faith in the Lord will never be relinquished if we are courageous and have confidence in him.  We can attain this level when we fully operate in the Holy Spirit. Which of the gifts of the Holy Spirit do you operate in? Are you ready to impart the church with the gift? Interestingly, many Christians do not know their spiritual gift. I pray that we become alive in the spirit to enable us impart our spiritual gift to the church so that we shall be mutually encouraged by each other's faith as we possess the nations. ROKANSAH Twitter: @rokansah  


If I have a day more to live, may I live to please the Lord, and may I grow in wisdom and in the Holy Ghost, If I have the voice to sing, may I sing psalms and hymns to Your glory, If I have the mouth to speak, may I speak Your goodness, mercies and the power of your resurrection, If I have the mind to think, may I think about how great You are, If I have anything to seek, may I seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness first, If I have anywhere to dwell, may I dwell in the Shelter of the Most High, If I have any place to rest, may I rest in the shadow of the Almighty If I have the eyes to see, may I see the manifestation of your promises in my life. Oh God! Give me the heart to live in your presence in all my ways. In Your hands I am. Amen! ROKANSAH Facebook: Twitter: @rokansah


God whom I serve in my spirit in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times. Romans 1:9-10a.          EXPOSITION When was the last time you prayed for the church? Can God be your witness that you did? The scriptures quoted is an exerpt from Apostle Paul's message to the Romans before his visit. Paul constantly prayed for the church in Rome because he had the spiritual growth of the church at heart.  Let's replicate what Paul did by constantly praying for the church. We need not to grow just in numbers but spiritually as well. May we pray for God to expose all the evil spirits and the acts which do not glorify God but are gaining root in the Church. May the Lord help you as you have made it a point to pray for the Church to possess the nation's. ROKANSAH Twitter: @rokansah


We are on a rough road to a known destination. The road is rough but the destination is enviable.  A lot will fall out as the going gets tough.  Many will cry and will wish they could fly through the sky to the destination (shortcut).  Some will grow weary as the journey presents many scary moments.  When all hope is lost, strength fades out and failure stares at you,  Remember, that was the moment Abraham and Sarah grew in faith the more.  Dont quit, Victory awaits!


The day come and go and come again The day break and the night fall Many things happen in the day, and they happen again and again. The happenings in the day are not the ones the eyes haven't seen, the ears haven't heard, the nose hasn't smelled and the body hasn't felt before. Practically, "there's nothing new under the sun" says the Holy Book, the Bible. Today too both the day and the night will come in their due time. Today too new souls will be welcomed into the world and others will depart the world. Today too the birth of a soul will bring happiness to its family but a soul in transition will bring sorrow to its family. Today too marriages are being put together as others are seeking divorce. Today too someone has eaten with leftovers but others are walking and sleeping on an empty stomach. Today too the employed are lamenting about poor treatment at work but the unemployed is dreaming for that job. Today too someone is...


You loved me with all your heart You appreciated the little things I was doing for you Honestly, you were the definition of love. You consoled me when I was depressed. When friends and family turned their back to me;  You showed me that wonderful smiling face. You didnt grow weary in loving me. Even when things were difficult for you, You made things easier for me. I never asked you for anything. But you provided me with everything. You knew exactly what I needed in any given time. You knew the song to sing to bring smiles on my face. You were always there to cover my nakedness. You made sure tears will not drop from my eyes in my challenging moments. If that was not love, let the people say. Ironically, I didnt notice all that you were doing for me. As you were pressing on to sustain the love; My heart was far chasing someone who took me for nothing. Now I am back to my senses. My heart beat is shouting after your name. Open your arms...


"Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only a remnant will be saved. For the Lord will carry out his sentence on earth with speed and finality." Romans 9:27-28 EXPOSITION Remnant can be defined as a small surviving group of people, left over, or a small minority of people who remain faithful to God and so be saved. Isaiah cried to the Israelites years ago telling them though the gate of salvation is open to all, only those who will set themselves apart for God will receive it. Today, it's the church and the world  the Lord cries to. The world and the church's population today is so large, just like the sand by the sea. Almost everybody in the world mentions the name of the Lord in one way or the other. In different languages, at different times and for different purposes we mention the name of the Lord each day. But shall we all who mention the name of the LORD be saved? No! Only the remnant will be s...


God saw all that he had made, and it was VERY GOOD. Gen 1:31a. ''For everything God created was good.1 Tim 4:4a. God created the whole universe and all that is in it and He was satisfied that everything He created was VERY GOOD. You're God's handiwork, hence, from heaven He sees you as one of His perfect products. Hallelujah! You have been fearfully and wonderfully created in such a way that when we travel the length and breath of the world we can't get anybody with the same DNA as yours. God has deposited a lot of wisdom, His Holy spirit, talents and uncountable unique features in you which make you stand out among the lot. See yourself as one of the finest products of God and live as such. Don't look down on yourself, don't reject yourself for God said you are very good. You are not inferior for God does not produce fake products. You are too expensive to sell yourself cheap to the world and its pleasures. Nothing can break you down for by the word of ...


"I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:3,5. EXPOSITION This is the word of encouragement from God to Joshua after he took the mantle from Moses. Who is the Moses in our lives? Our parents, siblings, opinion leaders, bosses,  church leaders and role models can be referred to as the Moses in ourlives. Remember these people will not be with us forever. They will guide us to a certain point and we have to continue from there. Sometimes they leave us sorrowfully through death or they become incapacitated through accident, sickness or old age and cannot offer us the needed help and direction. Just as God assured Joshua that He would be with him just as he was with Moses, so the Lord will be with us when the people who inspire us on Earth are no more. As He was with them, so He will ...


HE IS THE BUILDER; WE'RE HIS AGENTS Jesus is the builder of the church and the Christian, "the Called Out" are the agents with which the builder builds. There exists a principal-agent relationship between us and Jesus. This relationship is that of fiduciary. The called out has no life to live except the one lived for Christ. We must always act in the interest of the Kingdom business. We must ensure that Christ is revealed in our deeds. We must be conscious of the fact that each day, the Builder, Jesus Christ is looking forward to our availability for him to build the church through us. Let's make ourselves useful agents and materials Jesus Christ can rely on to build his church in this end time. Be a special purpose material. Be an agent who transforms the world but not the one the world transforms. I'm an agent of TRANSFORMATION. ROKANSAH 28.04.19


If you search for a thing in a place where it doesn't exist, there's no way it can be found no matter the investment you pour in your search. The fisherman won't catch fish if he cast his net on the land because the land is not the habitat for fishes. Gold and diamond cannot be mined in the sky because that's not where they are deposited. If you're searching for God in any means apart from through Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life, there's no way you will find him no matter your effort. Salvation is in Christ, no one goes to the father except through him.