As long as you remain a child of God, you have his blessing, yet the realization of the blessing lies on you.
You've got to vision yourself where the blessing will take you and how it will make you in future. After projecting yourself into the future comes the actual task. Work out the blessing just as you work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Don't relax expecting things to fall at their right places. No! You need to take a step, sometimes, you will stumble and fall after the first step but don't give up, rather look up to the one who has promised you the unlimited blessings.
If you really know clearly the path you've taken, you won't give room to distractions. Distractions may come in many forms, some predictable and others disguising. Friends and family may reject you, you may not be able to afford the basic things in life but dear, don't give in to distractions. People may present opportunities that may look so good with immediate results and benefit to you but before you accept them, ask yourself if they are really worth pursuing at the expense of your own long term dreams and aspirations.
It takes tough and focused mind to activate the blessings of God in one's life. Don't give up, don't fear to make the first step, don't fail to rise up when you fall. Focus on the long term, break the long term into short and medium term and act on them, before you realise, you're there.
See you at the top! On on we go!
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